Hart Health Strategies Inc. offers clients customized consulting services to meet their specific needs in navigating the current federal and state legislative and regulatory environment. A deeper look into our firm's expertise can be found here.

Whether working on the state or federal level, in legislative or regulatory activities, Hart Health keeps us up-to-date on the issues and sets us up with meetings with all the right people. - Madelaine A. Feldman, MD, FACR, VP, Advocacy & Govt. Affairs, Coalition of State Rheumatology Organizations (CSRO)


Strategic Planning

Hart Health Strategies Inc. works closely with clients to identify and refine issues and priorities and implement a strategic plan to achieve well-defined objectives.

In addition to ongoing monitoring of health policy developments in Congress and the Executive Branch, we also identify any changes in health policy issues or priorities at the beginning of each new session of Congress or change in Administration. We then assess how these issues intersect with a client's interests. This process helps identify potential legislative vehicles or issues that clients may wish to comment on and participate in developing legislative initiatives.

In consultation with a client's advocacy team, Hart Health Strategies Inc. assists in defining policy problems and issues that are critical for the client. We facilitate and analyze options for addressing issues that could be taken to Congress and the Administration for action in the future.

Hart Health Strategies Inc. works with clients to assign priorities to their issues and advise how identified objectives can best be achieved through our understanding of Congress' current legislative agenda and the Administration's regulatory initiatives for the year.


Information & Counsel

Hart Health Strategies Inc. assists clients in developing the best strategies for achieving identified objectives. This may be through a legislative vehicle, such as a comprehensive Medicare bill, a Public Health Service Act program reauthorization, various appropriations bills, a freestanding bill, or by working through the appropriate regulatory process at the Executive Branch agencies.

The Hart Health Strategies Inc. team monitors health policy developments daily. We brief clients on these developments regularly and as requested. As part of this process, we reassess legislative and regulatory priorities throughout the year and proactively advise adjusting strategic plans as needed.

Hart Health Strategies Inc. also publishes a weekly newsletter and produces a podcast on legislative and regulatory developments in health care policy. We believe these are effective tools for keeping clients up to date on recent developments affecting their issues. The newsletter is sent to clients at the beginning of each week and can be shared directly with anyone within the organization.


Legislative Presence & Influence

Individuals at Hart Health Strategies, Inc. have served in the Legislative or Executive Branches of government and instinctually understand the national political environment. We work on behalf of our clients to seek opportunities to enhance their visibility through direct contact with Members of Congress and their staff.

Hart Health Strategies, Inc. actively represents clients' legislative priorities and initiatives through in-person and virtual meetings, consistently interfacing with staff and officials in Congress and the Administration. We also facilitate leadership and participation in hearings and briefings on Capitol Hill.

We identify congressional champions for legislative initiatives, focusing on those members who serve on health committees of jurisdiction, have a leadership role in health care issues, or have a personal interest. Congressional support for legislative initiatives can take many forms apart from introducing and co-sponsoring a bill. This support can include speaking on the House or Senate floor, making statements in committee, offering or supporting friendly amendments, or inserting statements of support into the Congressional Record. Hart Health Strategies Inc. also drafts legislation, amendments, resolutions, and committee report language, as required.


Materials Development

At the heart of any successful effort is a strong message and supporting data or practical, "real-life" examples. Therefore, it is essential to develop data and cogent arguments that clearly demonstrate to policymakers that the agreed-upon goals are necessary and of critical importance. Based on the message, data, and examples, Hart Health Strategies Inc. assists clients with Congressional testimony, position papers, education materials, agency submissions, and other materials, as needed.


Grassroots Advocacy & Fly-Ins

The foundation of any advocacy campaign is the participation of constituents and influencers from around the country. We can help build a grassroots operation from the ground up or assist in making your current communications more efficient and effective. Our tailored approach and preexisting relationships on Capitol Hill ensure that your communication gets the attention it deserves.

On-the-ground advocacy is a vital part of moving any issue forward. Hart Health Strategies Inc. can assist with scheduling congressional visits on Capitol Hill and provide counsel regarding methods to increase visibility when Members of Congress are back home. Hart Health Strategies Inc. can also provide guidance on the presentation of arguments and materials so that the strongest case can be made for supporting legislative issues, taking into consideration the political climate during the time of the Hill visits.

Hart Health Strategies Inc. has quickly adapted to the new, virtual advocacy world in which we now live. We have planned virtual Hill meetings and fly-ins for clients across health care industries, allowing our clients to interface with Members of Congress and their staff no matter what obstacles lie in the way of in-person advocacy.


Partnership & Coalition Building

Hart Health Strategies Inc. has in-depth experience working on a variety of health policy issues and has done so on behalf of numerous organizations. We are uniquely positioned to know when clients' interests coincide on issues because we solely focus on the health care sector. We have consistently brought together diverse groups to speak with a common purpose and in greater numbers. This has enabled our clients to maximize their resources and impact.

We actively manage and participate in coalition activity for our clients, serving as full coalition managers, steering committee members, and legislative and policy committee representatives. Through this work, we can increase the bandwidth of your organization to monitor and actively work on the issues that matter most to you.


Regulatory Presence and Strategy

Any strategy should include educating and interfacing with officials from the Administration, including the White House and the agencies governed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as the Office of Management & Budget (OMB). Such efforts might also involve working with Legislative Branch offices, including the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Congressional Research Service (CRS), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).


Meeting Facilitation

Efficient and effective meetings underpin the strategy of every organization. Hart Health Strategies Inc. has organized and facilitated everything from standing inter-organizational meetings to larger group events. We work in tandem with our clients to plan and facilitate meetings that result in substantive outcomes to move the ball forward. Beyond the planning and facilitation of in-person meetings and events, Hart Health Strategies Inc. has extensive experience in producing, organizing, and moderating virtual video conferences and webinars. These virtual settings have included large and small group meetings with Members of Congress, Administration officials, stakeholder coalitions, and others. We utilize an outcome-oriented approach with an emphasis on preparation and follow-through to ensure your time is always prioritized.


Strategic Planning


Hart Health Strategies Inc. works closely with clients to identify and refine issues and priorities and implement a strategic plan to achieve well-defined objectives... See More

Information & Counsel


Hart Health Strategies Inc. assists clients in developing the best strategies for achieving identified objectives. This may be... See More

Legislative Presence & Influence


Individuals at Hart Health Strategies have served in the Legislative or Executive Branches of government and instinctually understand the national political environment... See More

Materials Development


At the heart of any successful effort is a strong message and supporting data or practical, "real-life" examples. Therefore, it is essential to develop data... See More

Grassroots Advocacy & Fly-Ins


The foundation of any advocacy campaign is the participation of constituents and influencers from around the country. We can help build a... See More

Partnership & Coalition Building


Hart Health Strategies Inc. has in-depth experience working on a variety of health policy issues and has done so on behalf of numerous organizations... See More

Regulatory Presence and Strategy 


Any strategy should include educating and interfacing with officials from the Administration, including the White House and the agencies governed... See More

Meeting Facilitation


Efficient and effective meetings underpin the strategy of every organization. Hart Health Strategies has organized and facilitated everything from standing... See More